


We will not cover all content in class.  You will also bring content to class.

"Some students feel they have met their obligation if they have forced their eyes to 'touch' (in appropriate sequence) each word on the pages assigned."

Maryellen Weimer, PhD.


"Students don't do their reading and other assigned prep work because, based on their experience, they believe that teachers will discuss any important information included in the readings during class."

Terry Doyle from Helping Students Learn in a Learner-Centered Environment

Why Read to Prepare for Class

bulletIt makes you a better reader and improves your vocabulary.
bulletFamiliarity with professional textbooks helps students understand and. appreciate how professional and technical material is formally presented and prepares for what will be asked of them later in most professions.
bulletThere is value in having a second (or third, etc.) professor in the course for a more objective overall learning experience.
bulletClass makes more sense when the text provides a foundation of knowledge.  Classtime can be spent integrating concepts instead of presenting them.
bulletDiscussions in class are informed (as opposed to uninformed) and are therefore more enjoyable and more productive.
bulletStudents become active learners instead of passive learners.  Critical thinking replaces stenography.
bulletYour grade depends upon it.


Underline and Write in Your Book!

Things to underline:


Prior knowledge: something that relates to a personal experience or something you already believe.  This encourages you to make connections and to draw upon what you already know.


What you think is an important point:  an opportunity to build content knowledge


What you don't understand:  write the question in the margin (what is confusing)


bulletDon't underline too much - you can always read around the underlining if you need more info; think words or phrases, not sentences.
bulletAdd info in the margins:  ? if you don't understand    ! if you agree    :-) if you like it   *(star) if it is important   [make up your own shorthand]
bulletJot down your questions or comments about the underlined portion in the margin for reference.
bulletCircle every word you do not know (meaning any word you cannot define).
bulletKeep 3x5 cards in your notebook to make flashcards as you go.





Criteria and Standards


3 points

High-Quality Performance

• Interpretation of content is completely accurate.

• Identifies and describes precise and explicit supporting evidence (facts).

• Strongly connects new content to previous learning (elaboration).

• Strongly integrates new material to a personal life experience.

• Draws an accurate conclusion based upon interpretations, connection, and integration.

• Provides a strong reason(s) for the conclusion.


2 points

Meets Expectations

• Interpretation of content is somewhat accurate.

• Identifies supporting evidence; description is somewhat accurate or clear.

• Satisfactorily connects new content to previous learning.

• Superficially integrates new material to a personal life experience.

• Draws a somewhat accurate conclusion based upon interpretations, connection, and integration.

• Provides an adequate reason(s) for the conclusion.


1 points

Unsatisfactory Performance

• Interpretation of content is inaccurate; facts are misleading.

• Supporting evidence is missing, incorrect, or irrelevant.

• Fails to elaborate or elaboration is extremely weak.

• Fails to integrate or integration to a life experience is vague.

• Conclusion drawn or reasons supporting it are inadequate or missing.

0 pointsAssignment not submitted



Created and maintained by Vicky V. Johnson