Technology in the Music Classroom


Lecture:  Responding



Responding to music is the third standard.  This is the most common of all!   




Some people create music.

Most people perform music (even if it's just singing in the shower). 

But ALL people respond to music!







Music is like food


Watch this Prezi (don't skip it)






How do we respond?

Emotionally, Physiologically, Intellectually



But each one of us responds differently, even when experiencing the same piece of music.


Every experience we have ever had and everything that makes us who we are goes into the mix when we respond to music.

How could any two responses possibly be the same????




Listening to the music is the beginning of responding to it.


As soon as we hear a piece of music, we are responding to it.

We like it or we don't.

We compare it to other music.

We categorize it.

It may remind us of a time or place.

There may be varying degrees of recognition: from totally foreign to knowing every word and note








These responses are invisible as we have not even moved a muscle yet.











But moving is one of the best ways to respond!






Our job as music educators


is to help our students to make those responses informed and skilled

(You know, what they should know and should be able to do)







Understanding and conveying how the arts have meaning

Select:  Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.

Analyze:  Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.

Interpret:  Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators'/performers' expressive intent.

Evaluate:  Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation, and established criteria.


Objective:  Informed listening

Technology:  Terminology and history (, music vocabulary games [see Pinterest], Resource list on MTNA )


  1. Learn the vocabulary to describe what they hear

  2. Understand the context of the music (who wrote it, when, where, why)

  3. Make interdisciplinary and cultural connections



    Note:  Programs listed in parentheses are only examples.  Use your browser to search by name for more information on these programs.  You may want to add them to your links.  Find other programs by searching for "alternatives to *fill in name of similar program*"  There are also hundreds of mobile apps.  Search by the name of the activity (note reading, tuning, metronome, record, etc.).


    Do not limit yourself to these very common examples!

Technology:  Recordings (YouTube, Pandora, Spotify, Symphony sites)


  1. Exposure to a diverse listening repertoire (open-earedness emphasis)

  2. Learn to compare, analyze and evaluate music

Objective:  Active response

Technology:  Resources for movement (Video sites, instrument apps, interactive listening maps, video games, recordings)


  1. Move to music (percussion, folk dancing, free style interpretive movement)

  2. Conducting (an outward expression of the beat, meter, dynamics, articulation, etc.)

Technology:  Communication (Prezi, Mind maps, Wordle, Word, PowerPoint, video/audio recording)


  1. Communicate understanding of a musical work through written media

  2. Communicate in graphic form

  3. Communicate verbally



There are so many online sites with information, games, quizzes, that can help you teach your students the terminology, context, movement, and communication necessary to be informed and skilled listeners.  Choose any term, style, or specific piece of music.  An internet search using "game," "quiz," "challenge," "activity" will produce a list of resources from which to choose.  For content information, don't forget Prezi and YouTube.






Remember Bloom's Pyramid?


More info on Bloom's Pyramid


When responding to music, the informed listener can start at the bottom and go all the way up to EVALUATE


Can you think of an example?






Created and maintained by Vicky V. Johnson