What Should a Teacher Be Like??


Teacher Voice

  1. Sufficient projection

    Understandable, children don't have to strain to hear


  2. Appropriate pace

    Not too fast or too slow


  3. Dynamic contrast

    Interesting sound, no monotones


  4. Convincing expression

    Relates that you believe what you say, lends validity to your words


    If you are not interested in what you're saying, why should they be?


  5. Age appropriate

    Proper vocabulary for young children

    Don't baby-talk older kids


  6. Properly modulated

    Vocal pitch properly placed

    Nasal or annoying tones cause children to "tune out"


  7. Avoid word habits

    "you know"  "like"

Speaking of . . .






Appropriate Dress

  1. Younger children appreciate the stereotypical "teacher clothes":  bright colors; pictures and themes on vests, ties, jewelry

  2. Older children appreciate some knowledge of current styles:  it can erode respect to be perceived as thinking in another decade (or century)

  3. Appearance should not be unduly distracting

  4. Clothing must accommodate activities

  5. Clothing should reflect a professional appearance

  6. Some school districts have strict dress codes for teachers and students

































Employee Dress Code

Student Dress Code






  1. What if there is no dress code for teachers?

  2. How short is too short?; how low is too low?; how casual is too casual?

  3. Is there a standard to go by, or is everything relative?

  4. How does the way you dress affect the learning process, outside of the obvious concept of distraction?

  5. Are the clothes you are wearing right now appropriate for teaching?